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Broadcast: Paul Epstein – We still need to be vigilant about AI in writers’ rooms

Paul Epstein recently wrote for Broadcast on the topic of AI.

He argues that the WGA labor contract doesn't go far enough to safeguard the writers' futures and the quality of on-screen content. AI's nature means that it will never be able to replicate human experience, and – for now at least – it is only capable of producing gimmicks – or, at a stretch, simplistic screenplays.

But Paul also believes that AI is not the answer to TV's problems. In fact, AI could perpetuate the industry's reliance on high-quantity, low-quality content – and lead the industry into a 'Dark Age'. It is now critical for key players in the industry – studios, streamers and guilds – to reassure writers that they won't be substituted by AI. Paul is certain that AI will bring a lot of opportunities over the next ten years, but, nonetheless, the TV industry should be mandated to protect its human talents.

You can read his full thoughts here.